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Average ages

MMech 1 Foto1. general type. 13-16 ages. The Blade is discovered in lower current yard Don. The General length 75 refer to, length blade 63. The Material blade is an кричное iron, material to be subjected to the corrosions, particularly damaged the sharp end of the weapon. In him there is end-to-end otverstie. corrosion affords ground suppose that blade had a length on 5-8 refer to greater than ed on artifact..
Mech 2 (lower). Foto1. The General type. 13-17 ages Krasnodarskiy edge. The Circassians(адыги) General length 78 refer to, length blade 67. The Material blade is an кричное iron, material to be subjected to the corrosions. The навершее Were reconstructed(steel), wooden рукоять(the ash), гарда(steel). All новодельные of a part are getted old that allows not to spoil the general type. The Maded preservation of the subject. Absence beside circassian of the infantry, allows to draw a conclusion that subject or was used for sea foray or made part an аммуниции youths-teenager.
KCaucasus 12-16 ages. The Circassians or nogai татары. The Ferrules of the darts. Two бронебойных and two срезня, the last could cut the person a limb or carry the head cut in two cervical vertebra. Modern coin lies For маштабирования in 1 roubleThe навершее Were reconstructed(steel), wooden рукоять(the ash), гарда(steel all новодельные part are getted old that allows not to spoil the general type. The Maded preservation of the subject. .

The Siberian khanate 12-16век. Hanty or siberian татары. The Ferrules of the darts. The modern coin lies For mashtab in 1рубль.