Kaunas calm provincial city. Sometimes arrive the poles, else less folk from Belorussia and tourist from Russia not much. Industry there is, however all вяло somehow, without business boom. Folk occupied on enterprise food, local industry, trade, sphere of the service. The Unemployment big. The Youth quietly leaves in West Europe. On morning city deserted.. The Inhabitant of the Moscow and other russian city with population more 1 000 000 inhabitants, this seems strange and not accustomed. Kaunas calm provincial city ed In old part of city. The Tourist not much. Sometimes arrive the poles, else less folk from Belorussia and tourists from Russia. Folk occupied on enterprise food, local industry, trade, sphere of the service. The Unemployment big. The Youth quietly leaves in West Europe. On morning city deserted. The Inhabitant of the Moscow and other russian city with population more 1миллиона inhabitants this seems strange. The buildings 17-19 ages ed In old part of city. The Attitude of the population good-natured. As soon as many sellers in shop or waiters in cafe well speak in russian. The Prices on products and "rest" in cafe and restaurant, in contrast with Moscow, moderate. The Truth beside them presently lithuanian currency euro, but then were lithium so possible given information has grown old. The City produces the pleasing impression. Purely, silence, there are all condition to admire the city. Is it However found in Kaunase more than three days I do not recommend. You will become bored - already three days it is enough to avoid all достопримечательности and all examine and do more нечего. At night all are quickly closed. The Institutions working before 12 and hereinafter nearly no.
Through border carried only petards, fearing problems with таможней. The Organizers "humanely" have distributed the black gunpowder. The Terrorism then in 2002 nobody did not be afraid. With gunpowder in Lithuania was without problems. Folk our has quickly wound the patron. On picture moment checking the weapon by group before leaving on "battle". I have tested its gun - a shelf fired, in second with big boom by all smoke заволокло so the following picture to publish senselessly.
Grodniency wyszli na pozycji, oczekujemy kiedy pozostałej części zajmą swoje miejsca.
The Hussars гродненского shelf left on positions, wait when remaining portions occupy their own place.
Our hurried cavalry command has added to more multiple Minskiy пехотный regiment. Beside boys from Minska were even their own musicians. The Infantry has exposed the bayonets, but our squadron has exposed the spades(peaks). The Formation close. I am a review on french positions. My mission "flanker" - I follow to be ahead of, and "close the fire" their own order, as this does егеря in infantry.
The Scenario "actions" has written mr Sokolov, having nickname SIR. Insofar beside it good books on french army, so bad "battles" he puts. Scenarist and stage manager from it simply repugnant. On picture our troop together with пехоинцами двинулся on frenchman. With flank to we were joined two persons from Izyumskogo гусарского shelf. This boys from Kiev. Beside their small sergeant in hand enormous mushkieton(trombon).
But this Sokolov has arrived to holler on us and russian infantry. That they to we did not join and to lay to dirty land and expressed killed. For entailment his(its) замысла to him it is necessary on field much "dead body" on field of the battle We so have got up on field that франзузы could not turn round all simultaneously, beside they came short people on such field to get up the necessary thick order. Here is we and went there here three times. On thought " SIR " we must pack to perish from француской of the artillery and be split by united approach valorous frenchman. Afterwards us have simply put(deliver)ed in corner on field and велели дожидаться when us убъют .В centre is seen small circle "dead body" which have organized the законопослушные a foot soldier.
Ilustracja marazma.Czetyrie polskiego ułana bez palnej broni, według "genialnego" zamiaru winnych całkowicie pokruszyć dziesięciu ludzi stojących w karo i mających palną broń. I wszystko to na oczach naszej piechoty - którą wielki strateg policzyłby jak całkowicie zniszczoną artiłlerijej.Wsjo niczego, ale oto tylko głupie konie na pików w żaden sposób iść nie chcą.