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Photo WW1

1. Photo № 1 Photography 1916г. My grandparent Pyotr Nikolaevich.
Photo №2. The Senior noncommissioned officer. As judged by presence checkers -a cavalryman, scout or on фельдфебельской of the job titles.
Photo №3. The Photography austrian foot soldier. The Recruit 1915-1916.
Photo №4. Russia. The Recruit 1915(behind photo there is inscription since date). The Interesting remark: compare to previous picture - a general strictness and sadness in person. The War , which must was quickly ends all last. Grow the loss. What future waits these boys not known.
Photo №5. The Portrait of the german officer, вероятнее whole from infantry.
Photo №6 Porutchik in hothouse.
Photo №7. Volinopredelyayuschiysya. Gimnasterka second half WW1
Photo №8. The Soldier and sergant. Supposedly dragoons. dress;clad In enough seldom meeting on photo field uniform dress coats sample 1910
Photo №9. . The Standard picture with family. The Interesting tall fur hat - a cossack from siberian(or забайкальского) казачьего troops
Photo №10. Frontoviki. The Photography amateur bad ed. Possible analyse the regiment signs. Beside one soldier георгиевский cross.
Photo №11The Typical russian infantry PMV - former крестьяне, similars all призванны from one terrain. Can even relatives - much person similar.
Photo №12. The Austrian foot soldier with long bayonet to манлихеру
Photo №13 13Австрийский second lieutenant. The Uniform dress coat of the second half WW1
Photo №14 Austrian officers hussar.
Photo №15 Fotografia do 1914g.AThe Austrian second lieutenant in everyday uniform dress coat from
Photo №16. The Photography of the officer of the period since March on noyabri1917 year. The Shoulder straps are already abolished, but офицерская cockade on service cap remained. After November 1917 for carrying of the cockade could запрсто растрелять